Australian Solutions - What's Being Done

Australia has been hard hit by climate change. Not only has it been experiencing long droughts, but it has also witnessed an increase in flooding in its lowland regions, increasing ocean levels, more forest fires, rising temperatures, reduced forest covers and biodiversity, destruction of properties, and the loss of lives. It cannot continue down this road, and it has thus adopted practical solutions that can prevent further damage, as explained in this guide.

Australian solutions for climate changes

Government Policies and Strategies: How Authorities Have Responded to the Crisis

When things go wrong, governments are often best tasked to turn things around. In Australia, the authorities have been fast to embrace this role by embarking on the following measures:

  1. Emission targets: The fossil fuel reliance in the country is to blame for most of the climate change due to the greenhouse gas effect. But no more will this continue to be an issue. The country aims to reduce its emissions by 43% (based on its 2005 levels) by 2030. It will not stop at that and will instead focus its efforts on achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
  2. New policies: Gone are the days when industries could do as they pleased and not face the consequences of their actions. Per the Climate Change Act dated 2022, all companies must comply with the set emission policies, including the targets set out by the government.
  3. Sustainable energy investment: As one of the biggest spenders in energy, the government has taken the right steps to adopt better energy sources that have less negative impacts on the environment. It has announced a $20 billion investment in the same that will see it change the electricity grid that had long relied on fossil fuels.
  4. Increased training opportunities: The more that people understand their role in preserving the environment, the less they will engage in harmful activities. To support this change, the government has invested in several training programs, including the New Energy Apprentices, at over $100 million.
  5. International alliances: The government has partnered with several international organizations as well as other countries to align its efforts with global goals. Along this line, it is party to the Paris Agreement, which stipulates practical climate actions. It also uses international reporting guidelines regarding climate risks.

Going Green: Backing Away from Traditional Energy Sources

The need for alternative energy sources is evident, given the effect that fossil fuels have had on the country. But what options are good enough to reverse the harm that previous energy sources have caused?

Renewable energy in Australia
  1. Renewable energy: While coal has been effective in propelling Australia's growth, citizens cannot ignore its negative effects on the country. Slowly but surely, people are embracing better sources of energy, including the following:
    • Solar energy.
    • Wind energy.
    • Hydroelectric power.

    These fuel sources are clean (both in production and usage) and reliable and are thus more sustainable in the long term.

  2. Introduction of electric vehicles: Logistics contribute greatly to environmental pollution due to the use of diesel and petrol, as these have devastating effects. Given that millions of people drive cars and thus contribute to the pollution in the country, there has been a push for electric vehicles. These have fewer emissions and are thus better alternatives compared to what the norm has been for many decades.

Sustainable Practices for the Win: What People Are Doing

Making the most of the available resources is the best way to stay ahead of the climate change curve. But how are Australians doing this?

Increased energy efficiency

Australians lose a lot of energy in buildings, businesses, and industries. By adopting more energy-efficient solutions, people can reduce their energy consumption, which can put less strain on the available energy sources.

Restoring natural ecosystems

Fires, floods, and rising ocean levels continue to threaten human and animal lives. By protecting the remaining ecosystems and restoring the destroyed ones, people can enhance the natural biodiversity, which can help reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere while protecting indigenous species.

Carbon partnerships

Businesses and industries can partner with citizens in carbon offset projects that can help them reduce their adverse environmental effects. Such efforts are especially common in reforestation projects that help recapture emissions.

Conservation Efforts: National and Local Conservation Programs

It is intended to bring local efforts in the national conservation of the unique biodiversity and ecosystems in the country of Australia. At a national level, these programs, like the National Reserve System, work on the conservation of critical habitats toward the protection of different species and ecosystems by creating a protected area network in the form of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries that guard against threats to diversity, such as habitat loss or Australian climate change.


While Australia cannot undo all the environmental harm from past decades in one day, it has taken the necessary steps to mitigate current threats while paving the way for sustainable efforts that could avert environmental crises going forward. At this rate, the country is on the right track to sustainability.